Justification is a Theological term that we use when talking about Christ's sacrifice. I believe, now I don't have a degree from Yale or any division 1 athletic school or anything, and I'm not the smartest guy you've ever met, that we as Christians have listened to the world's definition of justification. Yes, I did just put the world and Christians in the same grouping. The world says you as a Christian are justified to sin, to commit acts that are disobedient and bring negative reflection on God. Instead of justification being the instantaneous legal act of God in which he thinks of our sins as forgiven and Christ's righteousness as belonging to us, and declares us to be righteous in his sight. Jesus died so your sins would be forgiven and us to be righteous in God's sight. Not to say, "Oh, well me cussing or getting drunk is alright because I'm not a murderer or a rapist." Or I can do this because look at so and so over there he does that so it's alright if I do this.
Now, let's talk about standards. Jesus died for you just as he died for me. I am in ministry, training to be a Youth Pastor, but I was called to ministry way before I made it publicly known to my home church when I was 17. We as Christians miss this because we are scared to fail or screw up, I screw up a lot, just because I'm in ministry wanting to be a Minister to Youth does not make me God, does not make me Jesus does not make me flawless. HELLO I'm HUMAN, just like most of you, now there are those who are a bit questionable, but I love you and not judging. When at the age of 6 I asked Jesus to come into my heart, that I may live forever in Heaven with him when I die, at that instant I died to myself and the ways of the world and a new creature awakened with in me. Not saying I don't do worldly things, I'm human not perfect! But the things of this world do not appeal to me as they might you, or as it would appeal to other "Christians" because it is the new creation in me that lives.
When talking with people the more common topic or question that I'm asked is "What's your thoughts on drinking?" My thoughts are I choose not to, it's never appealed to me as a must or a need to or a have or a should do kind of thing. But that's the expected answer and adding to that "well, the bible doesn't say you shouldn't drink, just that you shouldn't get drunk." If when I ask them, why do you drink alcohol the common answer is I like the taste, and I can taste the difference between a virgin drink and one with alcohol and with alcohol it tastes better so that's why I drink. But of course not getting drunk just the 1 or 2 on a regular weekly basis. And I ask the next question which is to get an interesting question, why isn't ok if I were to drink or a lead pastor to drink? The responses are funny to me, but my favorite is, "But you're a minister and should lead by example, I don't think it's right for a minister or someone in ministry to drink." Shall we say double standard? My thoughts are this, Jesus says He has come to set the example, and that we should follow it. Christians say it's okay for them to drink but for someone who is in a ministry position it isn't or they shouldn't. Why? Is it because we are teachers of God's word and living out the example we feel called to? But to be Christian is to be Christ like/ to be like Christ. THE BIBLE IS NOT JUST FOR MINISTERS or PEOPLE IN MINISTRY it's for EVERYONE!!!! We are to follow the example Christ has set, the wine that Christ drank is not the same wine we drink. If you do use that to justify and blindly use justification in the worldly context to support you drinking alcohol at all then I say this, Jesus also healed a blind man with dirt and spit to make mud, if Jesus drank wine and that justifies you drinking alcohol then why aren't you healing the blind too?
Joel 2:32 "And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved;"
Romans 10:13 "for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
If you have called on the name of the Lord and you are saved from the punishment of your sins, you have a new creature that lives inside of you. The Bible applies to Christians those who's spirit is now alive by God's spirit living inside of you. Honestly you, Christian, are in ministry if you believe the Bible is real and applies to you then you are told to LOVE and to GO, and share Jesus making disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Wake up LUKE WARM CHRISTIAN!!!!! That's ministry which makes you a minister!!!!! IF you said I don't think it's right for ministers or people in ministry to drink at all, then guess what?! You shouldn't drink yourself.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, so that whoever believes in him shall not die, but have eternal life."
Jesus died for you, just as he died for me. The WORD of GOD applies to you just as it applies to me. The COMMANDMENTS of God apply to you as the apply to me. I am no different from you, the only thing that separates us from being the same type of Christian is, ROMANS 1:16 "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."
To blindly/ worldly justify your worldly actions as a Christian may be you picking and choosing what to read and believe in/from the Bible, that's also being ashamed of it.
"Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
Do things you say glorify God? How bout the things you drink, do they bring glory to God's name?
Live a life that follows the example of Jesus, we have a sinful nature so we are set apart from him. But please do not misuse justification to justify you're worldly tendencies as a Christian, but we should say "we are declared righteous in God's sight, because of what Christ has done for us, because of what he has done our sins are forgiven. I am not perfect no one is, God convicted me of my blind justifications and has brought me sight to them. Maybe this will bring sight to you so that you may no longer be blind by the darkness of the world, but to bring them into sight to see the light. Also, FYI we can choose to blind, but does that bring glory to God?
I am still learning and searching for light in every aspect of my life. I share what I wrote out of love.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Have you ever not eaten before? I mean sure people skip breakfast because they rather sleep a little later. Have you ever chosen not to eat? You have the determination to just not eat so you can fulfill whatever it is you're trying to accomplish. Let me ask you this, have you ever not eaten but didn't choose to not eat? What I mean is have you ever been forced not to eat, like if it were your choice you would eat, however it's not your choice you are forced to not eat.
Today was a day I was forced not to eat. Big deal 1 day whatever right ?! My day started early so I could be at church by 8am to help with Sunday School, I got to church when my E light lit up for my gas level. I had a little bit of money left on my debit card not really sure how much, and 6 bucks cash in my wallet. Doesn't seem like a big deal yet, keep reading this will get better. I'm sitting there in the main service worried about money, worried about how I was going to pay for gas or pay for food with such little gas in my car and such little money available to me without begging my parents or friends to mooch off of. I realized that I had been holding on to my money as if I were desperate to have it, God convicted me to let the hold or the desperate grasp I had on my money go, so I put it in the offering plate all $6 bucks. I said well I can let people know that I'm fasting, so they wouldn't ask me why I wasn't eating. In a since that's what I was doing, I fasted not primarily out of choice but force then by force/choice. Where was I to go after church service I didn't have enough gas to get home or go somewhere to eat with what money, so I put up my hammock at the church and chilled out for a bit. One of my best friends had a mission trip over view meeting and when he was finished asked me if I'd like to go to his place to hang out. I said yes and he drove.
My stomach from not having breakfast to missing lunch is rumbling and cramping and wanting food extremely bad. I kept telling myself Eric this is fasting now learn what God is trying to show you, you asked him for answers now listen and look. I was alright for a while, then we headed back to church and that's where I was really really hurting for something to eat. I figured when I could choose not to eat it's not so bad to wait, but when I had no choice in the matter it was something I longed for something I desperately wanted to have and needed to have. What about that little bit of money on your debit card? Well, like I said I got to church that morning on E, I drove to a gas station after church let out tonight and asked for 20 on pump 19. My card was declined, then I said try 15 and luckily went through. 3.83 is what I paid for per gallon, I was lucky to get really really close to 5 gallons. That was enough to make it home and make it to work tomorrow.
When I got home I walked inside and straight to the kitchen and I felt like an animal anything I could find I was shoving it in my mouth, some things I didn't even bother to chew just about choked it down. I asked God what was the real lesson I was to learn and it hit me.
We as Christians need the word of God, in our lives, to read it, to study it, to speak it. To be hungry for the Word of GOD is what we should be starving for. There are people in countries that don't get to have spiritual and biblical food not by choice but by force. And when they have to sneak to get a bit or a small nibble of spiritual food from the word of God, it's the feeling of gratitude, love, and fulfillment. It's the same feeling you get when you can't eat for whatever the reasons and when you take that first bite to relieve yourself from starvation it's a feeling that just takes over your whole being. It's delicious no matter what it is, you don't complain or try to inspect it to find fault with it, you just put it in your mouth and savor the flavor! Christians in other places get a little bit of spiritual food and they have to savor the flavor and make it last for a week or few weeks at a time.
Matthew 4:4 "But he answered, 'It is written, "'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ever word that comes from the mouth of God."
We need to be in the word everyday and eat of it, just as often as we eat food. The word of God can give you energy and strength when you are the weakest, when you don't have it as Christians we should crave it, and savor the delicious flavor, and satisfaction/ fulfillment it has to offer. Not saying to just eat eat eat and eat of it till we become biblically obese, but once we have enough for ourselves we are to pass it around and spread it out so that others may eat from the same source of truth that we have.
That is why we, Christians, should be HUNGRY!!!
Today was a day I was forced not to eat. Big deal 1 day whatever right ?! My day started early so I could be at church by 8am to help with Sunday School, I got to church when my E light lit up for my gas level. I had a little bit of money left on my debit card not really sure how much, and 6 bucks cash in my wallet. Doesn't seem like a big deal yet, keep reading this will get better. I'm sitting there in the main service worried about money, worried about how I was going to pay for gas or pay for food with such little gas in my car and such little money available to me without begging my parents or friends to mooch off of. I realized that I had been holding on to my money as if I were desperate to have it, God convicted me to let the hold or the desperate grasp I had on my money go, so I put it in the offering plate all $6 bucks. I said well I can let people know that I'm fasting, so they wouldn't ask me why I wasn't eating. In a since that's what I was doing, I fasted not primarily out of choice but force then by force/choice. Where was I to go after church service I didn't have enough gas to get home or go somewhere to eat with what money, so I put up my hammock at the church and chilled out for a bit. One of my best friends had a mission trip over view meeting and when he was finished asked me if I'd like to go to his place to hang out. I said yes and he drove.
My stomach from not having breakfast to missing lunch is rumbling and cramping and wanting food extremely bad. I kept telling myself Eric this is fasting now learn what God is trying to show you, you asked him for answers now listen and look. I was alright for a while, then we headed back to church and that's where I was really really hurting for something to eat. I figured when I could choose not to eat it's not so bad to wait, but when I had no choice in the matter it was something I longed for something I desperately wanted to have and needed to have. What about that little bit of money on your debit card? Well, like I said I got to church that morning on E, I drove to a gas station after church let out tonight and asked for 20 on pump 19. My card was declined, then I said try 15 and luckily went through. 3.83 is what I paid for per gallon, I was lucky to get really really close to 5 gallons. That was enough to make it home and make it to work tomorrow.
When I got home I walked inside and straight to the kitchen and I felt like an animal anything I could find I was shoving it in my mouth, some things I didn't even bother to chew just about choked it down. I asked God what was the real lesson I was to learn and it hit me.
We as Christians need the word of God, in our lives, to read it, to study it, to speak it. To be hungry for the Word of GOD is what we should be starving for. There are people in countries that don't get to have spiritual and biblical food not by choice but by force. And when they have to sneak to get a bit or a small nibble of spiritual food from the word of God, it's the feeling of gratitude, love, and fulfillment. It's the same feeling you get when you can't eat for whatever the reasons and when you take that first bite to relieve yourself from starvation it's a feeling that just takes over your whole being. It's delicious no matter what it is, you don't complain or try to inspect it to find fault with it, you just put it in your mouth and savor the flavor! Christians in other places get a little bit of spiritual food and they have to savor the flavor and make it last for a week or few weeks at a time.
Matthew 4:4 "But he answered, 'It is written, "'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ever word that comes from the mouth of God."
We need to be in the word everyday and eat of it, just as often as we eat food. The word of God can give you energy and strength when you are the weakest, when you don't have it as Christians we should crave it, and savor the delicious flavor, and satisfaction/ fulfillment it has to offer. Not saying to just eat eat eat and eat of it till we become biblically obese, but once we have enough for ourselves we are to pass it around and spread it out so that others may eat from the same source of truth that we have.
That is why we, Christians, should be HUNGRY!!!
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